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Filter combobox on Global choice list from Dataverse table with multiple values

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Hi All - I have a Dataverse custom table that has these columns. The Platform Column is a Global Choice  list. 



I want to set my Specification combobox control on my model driven app page to show me the Materials that just apply to a specific Platform. 

1) The platform is selected from the Platform Combobox 

2) I want the Specification combobox Items to be Materials Filtered from just the Platform that is selected in the Platform combobox

3) The filter needs to use some kind of "in" clause because there is more then one platform in the Platform column of the Materials table, so if I say = I won't get the materials where that Platform is included (in the same row) as others




In need help writing the syntax to get the correct results.  

Thank you very much in advance. 


  • Verified answer
    ctedesco3307 Profile Picture
    ctedesco3307 598 on at
    Re: Filter combobox on Global choice list from Dataverse table with multiple values

    Got this from a colleague 


    Filter(WIRS_PMaterials,cmbplatform.Selected.Platform in Concat(Platform,Value))

    cmbplatform.Selected.Platform is the combobox I am filtering from 

    Concat(Platform,Value) is Platform is the GlobalChoice column in WIRS_PMaterials 

  • ctedesco3307 Profile Picture
    ctedesco3307 598 on at
    Re: Filter combobox on Global choice list from Dataverse table with multiple values

    Hi @Amik 

    I have a page in my model driven App. 

     I have a Dataverse Choice field called Platform

     I have a Dataverse Choice field called Materials

    I have a combobox on my page called Platforms the lists platforms from a collection 

    I have a combobox called Specification (items are materials from a table called WIRS_PMaterials ) 

    The WIRS_Material table has a column for the materials and another columns for the Platform(s) which references the Global Choice Platform in Dataverse. The column is set to allow more then one value as many platforms can apply to each Material (see screen shot above) 


    I want the Specification combobox to only show the materials that are available based on the Platform selected in the Platforms combobox. It has to be an IN clause because the Platform combo box can only have one item selected but the material will have more then one Platforms available on that row.  hope this helps. Thanks in advance! 







  • Ami K Profile Picture
    Ami K 15,655 on at
    Re: Filter combobox on Global choice list from Dataverse table with multiple values

    Hi @ctedesco3307 ,

    As I understand it, you have a Model Driven App which contains an Embedded Canvas App.


    You have a Dataverse Choice field called Platform, its items are associated to a Global Choice. You also have a Single Line Text field called Materials.


    In your Canvas App, you have a multi select Combo Box associated to the Platform Global Choice field.


    You want to create another Combo Box (called Specifications) and set its items to the Materials field. You want this Combo Box to display only items associated to the selected items from the Platform Multi Choice Combo Box.


    Is that right?

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