Can multiple developers work on the same AI builder module simultaneously? If no ca anyone please share the link where is clearly mentioned
After the model is incorperated into the production phase, many collections of invoices have to be added to the model and tagged. It would be very beneficial if more than one person can train a model simultaneously to help shorten the length of the training process until the model has enough data, escpecially in a big company that needs to process invoices from hundreds of vendors.
Any chance that this feature will be available in the future?
Hi @Swapnil41 ,
You can share a model for edit but co-presence is not possible:
It's not mentioned in the documentation that co-presence is not possible, but if you try to modify a model simultaneously it won't be possible an you'll get a lock message. Further to your feedback, we'll add a note about that in the documentation.
Any official link where is stats that it does not allow?
Currently AI Builder doesn't allow simultaneous mode.
Probably in the future! who knows?