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patch different data from a single dynamic dropdown to multiple columns

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I have a gallery with a dynamic dropdown list itemState in each record, which returns different choices based on the respective column in the linked SharePoint List.
I then want to patch the choices from each row to the corresponding record & column in SharePoint, however because it is a single dropdown list shared for every column, the most recent value of itemState gets patched onto all of them. For example, I have 3 columns "Projector 1" "Projector 2" "Projector 3." Each one has choices "Working, Broken, N/A, Missing". If I select "Working" for Projector 3 and hit patch, it patches it to all three. Is there a way I can avoid this, maybe using a Switch or ForAll Loop? Here's what I have now:
Patch('25/26 Summer Room Checks', LookUp('25/26 Summer Room Checks', Title = selectedRoom.Title),
        'Projector 1': itemState.SelectedText,
        'Projector 2': itemState.SelectedText,
        'Projector 3': itemState.SelectedText,
        'Lectern Motor': itemState.SelectedText,
        'Television': itemState.SelectedText,
        'Speakers': itemState.SelectedText,
        'PC': itemState.SelectedText
  • WarrenBelz Profile Picture
    WarrenBelz 145,434 on at
    patch different data from a single dynamic dropdown to multiple columns
    It seems you are saying that the gallery contains those seven items for the one room (one on each record) and there is a drop-down in each row to record the condition of the item. What is the Items of the gallery and maybe supply a screenshot ? I also assume that all of those columns are Choice columns.
  • SaiRT14 Profile Picture
    SaiRT14 1,926 on at
    patch different data from a single dynamic dropdown to multiple columns
    Loop through the gallery items and patch the corresponding values for each record in the SharePoint list using a ForAll loop
            '25/26 Summer Room Checks',
            LookUp('25/26 Summer Room Checks', Title = ThisRecord.Title),
                'Projector 1': ThisRecord.Projector1Dropdown.SelectedText,
                'Projector 2': ThisRecord.Projector2Dropdown.SelectedText,
                'Projector 3': ThisRecord.Projector3Dropdown.SelectedText,
                'Lectern Motor': ThisRecord.LecternMotorDropdown.SelectedText,
                'Television': ThisRecord.TelevisionDropdown.SelectedText,
                'Speakers': ThisRecord.SpeakersDropdown.SelectedText,
                'PC': ThisRecord.PCDropdown.SelectedText
    pls try and let me know if you need more details.

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