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Power Apps - AI Builder

Collecting Data in a Nested Table and Grouping Them Properly

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Good day everyone!


I have a table that I am struggling to build an AI around. To give you an idea, here's the general format of our nested tables. So the whole thing is in 1 huge table - spanning multiple pages.


The general format is that the Employee name and IDs are headers of a nested table and they have a table under their names breaking down their earnings, deductions and taxes with their respective amounts (the quantities of listed item per earnings/deductions/taxes vary per employee).

Another issue is that these tables overlap to the next page. Example (Employee #5 has their table in pages 1 and 2 of the PDF file)


My main issue here is that I cannot seem to capture the 'Employee Table' more than once in the a single page. My logic is that each nested table is a single entry for an employee with all the amounts assigned to them. Just wanted to know if it's possible to 'group' values in a nested table in a single page and breaking down the entries in each group.


May I know if I'm approaching this wrong? Or if there's a better way to solve this?


Thank you so much for the inputs!


Sample Format

Employee Name - Employee ID

Earnings DescEarnings AmountDeductions DescDeductions AmountTax DescTax Amount

Employee Name - Employee ID

Earnings DescEarnings AmountDeductions DescDeductions AmountTax DescTax Amount

Employee Name - Employee ID

Earnings DescEarnings AmountDeductions DescDeductions AmountTax DescTax Amount
  • CedrickB Profile Picture
    CedrickB on at
    Re: Collecting Data in a Nested Table and Grouping Them Properly

    Nested tables are currently officially not supported.

    You could declare and tag several tables and analyze the document page by page but this will not work for tables spanning across pages.

    You could use the multipage capability (continue on next page) but this will not work to capture all you tables inside the same page.

    So unfortunatelly, there is no robust solution so far. 

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