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Action.Submit fails and redirects to other topic without displaying intermediate activity

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I am new to PVA authoring canvas, and getting issue as defined.

Steps for chat workflow design in PVA canvas-
1) I have topic with adaptive card question and on submit it invokes condition to capture submit action.
2) Action.Submit redirects to appropriate condition, but enters to Adhoc condition at times.
3) For Action.Submit entering right condition the 'Send message' action intermittently return results i.e. sometimes returns end point url's as expected and sometimes skips returning (The send message activity is designed to return hyperlink pointing to power BI dashboard.). This is inconsistent behavior with PVA author canvas with testing.
4) Post the conditional statements, I am redirecting to another topic, which presents adaptive card with question submit action for further redirecting to same or other topic. Here too sometimes it enters adhoc condition and sometimes it enters appropriate given condition. At times observed the submit action contains the submit text of previous adaptive card.

Few observations:- 
1) The Action.Submit from adaptive card intermittently or randomly refreshes values stored from submit action. I observed this in testing session and published version on Teams too.
2) The behavior of the submits from adaptive card are intermittent due to session storage issue.
3) Send message action is marked green during testing, and times eben post marking green it fails to return hyperlinks. This too is intermittent.
Note:- I am using PVA canvas to develop the bot and designer tool to design the adaptive card.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

  • Re: Action.Submit fails and redirects to other topic without displaying intermediate activity

    Can anyone of the contributors/authors from the community look into the issue and reply asap. It is ongoing issue and we are awaiting release of our BOT based on the issue resolution.

    Request to provide help asap.

  • Re: Action.Submit fails and redirects to other topic without displaying intermediate activity

    Hi Team,

    Can anyone please update on the issue?

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