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Bot Administration

Testing a bot with authentication - AADSTS9002325

Posted on by 16

Hello all,


trying to get a test bot to authenticate with Azure AD and getting the following error after following the setup guides on Tomasz Poszytek blog and via the 5 minute power platform video -


I get the login button on the test bot then a new page opens and I get the following error.



Sign in Sorry, but we’re having trouble with signing you in.

AADSTS9002325: Proof Key for Code Exchange is required for cross-origin authorization code redemption.

Troubleshooting details If you contact your administrator, send this info to them.


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Request Id: 564dd2ab-a278-4855-9576-a982a5541b00

Correlation Id: 9e58626b-d5e0-48dd-bac2-4d297b41b21c

Timestamp: 2020-05-17T15:51:56Z

Message: AADSTS9002325: Proof Key for Code Exchange is required for cross-origin authorization code redemption.

  • niajaix Profile Picture
    niajaix 2 on at
    Re: Testing a bot with authentication - AADSTS9002325

    An problem with the Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) configuration may be the cause of the "AADSTS9002325: Proof Key for Code Exchange is required for cross-origin authorization code redemption" error. Examine the authentication route of your bot to make sure PKCE is applied correctly. Verify the settings for Azure AD apps, client secrets, and redirect URIs twice. If the problem continues, you might want to speak with an AI chatbot development company for more specific help with overcoming authentication difficulties. They can offer their experience setting up safe and reliable authentication methods for your bot.

  • rvphilip Profile Picture
    rvphilip 2 on at
    Re: Testing a bot with authentication - AADSTS9002325

    I had a similar issue with a sentiment analysis bot that I was recently working on. I think the main issue here is that NLP is not stable with the platform independence. I used TensorFlow and scipay for developing the bot and I think the proof keys for these are not similar to the existing ones like python or JS. There have been similar issues previously where chatbot development services that I developed were having issues in the authorization. I hope in the next cross authorization update these issues will be solved

  • Verified answer
    niknaks456 Profile Picture
    niknaks456 16 on at
    Re: Testing a bot with authentication - AADSTS9002325

    Sorry for the delay, if the only time I have had to review it again.


    I revisited this page and started all over again.


    I also removed it first as it may have been holding onto something but appears to be OK now in my test bot.


    New issue is I cant add it to an existing topic, the option to add auth doesn't appear but does if i create a new topic, frustrating.

  • cabata Profile Picture
    cabata 314 on at
    Re: Testing a bot with authentication - AADSTS9002325

    hi @niknaks456  plase make shure you have copied the same URL auth in your app in Azure AD and in PVA that could be the problem. Next you can do is try to replave some characters in the APP azure AD key, see sometime is necessary to change the + character to url encode code. You can try looking the codes here

  • renatoromao Profile Picture
    renatoromao 6,819 on at
    Re: Testing a bot with authentication - AADSTS9002325

    Hi @niknaks456 ,


    Any updates?

  • renatoromao Profile Picture
    renatoromao 6,819 on at
    Re: Testing a bot with authentication - AADSTS9002325

    Hi @niknaks456 ,


    Can you take some pictures of your scenario?

    - Inside Permissions on Azure portal

    - Inside your Authentication panel on PVA portal

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