I have a flow where I am processing large amount of data and then creating and updating a SharePoint list of around 5000 records using apply to each block, the flow runs fast for few entries then slows down. It would create approx 80 entries in 2 minutes and would take 1 hour for rest. I have concurrency enabled and when I try to troubleshoot I see the condition block is taking too much of time but after expanding the condition the actions inside it takes less than 3 seconds,has anyone faced something similar?
Sorry I don't have access to the system for next two weeks but it give an outline I have five excel sheets, The base one has 7000 records and others have 50k records each. I am doing list rows to get all the items for each sheet, I have added filter arrays to match the 7000 records from each sheet so I work with matching entries on the base sheet and to avoid unnecessary looping after that I am using the body of filter array as value in apply to each to loop those 7000 records and then another 4 filter arrays to find the matching value of current running loop and then I am creating the item in SharePoint list if the item doesn't already exists in SharePoint if the item exists I am updating it. I don't know if it gives any ideas of my flow but I'll try to share it as soon as I am able to.
The flows runs fine for few records then it just gets stuck last run it took @ 10+ hours just to create 3000 records in SharePoint and throttled more after that
Could you show your flow?