Apologies as I am a still learning Dynamics and the Power Platform stack.
I have an entity called Events with a Yes/No field to check if it is a Live Event or not. I want to be able to add a Note in the Timeline Control for this whenever a user sets this field to "Yes".
I am able to create a Power Automate flow that gets triggered with the above condition and it creates a new row in the Notes entity but, it does not show the Note in the Timeline Control. I have a feeling it may have to do with the "Regarding" option in the Flow settings but I'm not sure what should be entered here? Could someone please help me out? Thanks!
Hi @rampprakash , I'm new to Dynamics platform and I wanted to ask is it possible to add an email notification created in Power Automate as a note inside of the Timeline? If so, what steps can I take to make that happen? Thanks.
Just saw this and have a similar issue. How hard is to find the GUID of the record ?
I have a form on a table (Table1) where I added the timeline and wanted to add notes through a run of power automate. I found the logical name of the Table1 but how will distinguish in which entry ?
Perfect! That worked! Thank you very much!
Hi @ND301993
Hope you are doing good.
Please take Logical name for the Field.
1. Navigate to https://make.powerapps.com
2. Click Data --> Click Tables --> Open Events Table --> Click Settings --> Copy the Logical Name
3. Now go to your flow and Paste the LOGICAL NAME/GUID OF THE RECORD
new_events/guidof record.
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