-"Try the Preview" button
Now all the Topics from the original bot have been erased, and they did not populate on the new one.
How do I undo this?
Well, the go to step under topic management wasn't working the way i expected and i saw in production you could drag the line from the circle at the end of one node to the top of the other. I was hoping to see if those behaviors were identical but didnt feel like re-creating all the topics.
The go to step node, when going to a question, doesn't seem to reset the reprompt counter on the question (this behavior may be intentional).
Hi @Derrick2, there is no feature to clone a chatbot from the preview version to the production version.
G.A. is only a few month away (May 2023), is there a particular reason you need to transition back to the production version?
is it possible to change my 'bot type' back to production from preview? It had no problem copying my bot to preview but can't seem to copy it back.
The new unified authoring canvas isn't available in PVA for Teams at the moment, but this is planned.
Deploying a PVA bot to a Teams channel will however be available by G.A. of the new unified authoring canvas.
How do we access the PVA2 in Teams? Is this referring to the Preview version recently made available in the web based PVA? Is PVA2 also a version that delivers the new authoring canvas with new Cut/Paste capability?
The PV1 bot itself was not deleted, but all of the Topics were (see screenshot attached to original post). The Topics were not copied over to the new PV2 bot.
After a day the Topics returned to the PV1 bot, but remained uncopied to the PV2 bot.
As of today, the Topics are still not copied over to the PV2 bot.
I'm glad that you've found a work around for this issue! I'm curious when you mention 'all topics from the original bot have been erased'. When you convert a bot from PVA1 to PVA2 we should create a copy for you instead of deleting the original bot. Can you confirm while you are converting PVA1 bot to PVA2 bot, we are automatically deleting you PVA1 bot?
It resolved today, thanks! Yesterday it was a persistent issue in the app, and the website version as well when I checked it out there.
The issue started in the app, which was where I clicked the buttons.
Thanks for reporting it. Can you please try to refresh the page and see if it fixes the issue? We have seen this happening a few times and the team is investigating the cause, this is a rendering issue and not the content issue
I'm part of the product team. This sounds like a bug. Could you please open a support ticket and send it as a private message to me?