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Cloud Flow execution

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Scheduled a flow to run every 1min and it will fetch the details from sharepoint list.  sharepoint list has 300 records, i want to send email and get acknowledgement for each record. after sending email we can put delay for 2mins after that need to check the acknowledgement. 
Questions 1:
1. 2mins delay for each mail then check ack for 300 records, will leads to ore time consuming. How to process these in parallel  and improve the execution time? to read the acknowledgement from mailbox in the same flow and update it against the record in sharpoint list.
3. if any exception or timeout occurs it should affect another record processing. example, while processing 10th record , if any exception occurs, it should continue to process the 11th and remaining records, finally it should send consolidated email for the failed ones. 
  • Suggested answer
    SaiRT14 Profile Picture
    SaiRT14 1,931 on at
    Cloud Flow execution
    pls try the following approach: 
    • Use Concurrency Control in your flow: When looping through the SharePoint list items, enable the Parallelism feature in the Apply to Each step. Steps: Select the Apply to Each action. Open its settings. Toggle Concurrency Control and set the degree of parallelism (e.g., 20 to process 20 items simultaneously).
    • Use the Get Emails (V3) action: Filter emails based on subject or sender to locate the acknowledgment. Configure conditions to ensure the email matches the record. Update SharePoint list based on acknowledgment: Use the Update Item action to record the acknowledgment against the corresponding SharePoint record.
    • Add Try-Catch Logic: Surround the critical operations (sending email, checking acknowledgment, updating the record) with Scope actions. Add two scopes: Try Scope: Normal processing. Catch Scope: Triggered on failure to log the error or take necessary fallback actions.

    • Continue on Error: Configure each action (e.g., Send Email, Update Item) to Continue on Error: Click on the action’s settings. Enable Configure Run After and select has failed or is skipped.

    • Consolidate Failed Records: Use an array variable to log failed records. At the end of the flow, send a summary email with failed record details: Use the Append to Array Variable action to add failed records. Use the Send an Email (V2) action to send the consolidated email.

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