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Update field when lookup selection changes

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I have 2 SharePoint lists: incidents and suppliers. 
The suppliers list has fields Name, primaryEmail, and some others.
The incident list has a supplier lookup field that relates to the name field from the suppliers list. The incident list also has a primaryEmail field that does not relate back to the suppliers table. The reason it does not relate is because at the time of the incident, we need to save the primary email. At some point in the future, the supplier's primary email may change, but we do not want it to change on any previous incidents.
On my form, I have a combobox for the supplier name to allow the user to select a supplier, and I have a textbox for the primary email which needs to populate when the supplier name is changed.
How do I set the primaryEmail in the form when the user changes the supplier selection?
Sorry if this seems a rudimentary question, but I am very new to Power Apps and am still learning.
  • Verified answer
    WarrenBelz Profile Picture
    WarrenBelz 144,858 on at
    Update field when lookup selection changes
    You would set the Default of the email text box to look up the relevant email
       NameField = YourDropdownSelection
    then OnChange of the drop-down
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