Hi all, I am trying to fill a collection with filtered data from Dataverse but getting an error when trying to filter up two lookups.
ClearCollect(collectionSwitchboardFaults, Filter(SwitchboardInspectionFaults, Switchboard_Inspection__c.Inspection__c.Work_Order_Line_Item__c = varInspection.Work_Order_Line_Item__c));
Error when trying to retrieve data from the network: Could not find a property named 'irs_Inspection_c' on type 'Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.irs_switchboardinspectionfault'.
Edit: This error doesn't make any sense to me. Why is it trying to find the Inspection_c field on the SwitchboardInspectionFault table when I am trying to lookup to the SwitchboardInspection table first?
Database Schema:
(Table names are slightly different)
Looking at the Monitor the getRows call that failed had this request URL:
Filtering through only one lookup works fine but is obviously not the data I need.
ClearCollect(collectionSwitchboardFaults, Filter(SwitchboardInspectionFaults, Switchboard_Inspection__c.PrimaryKey = varSwitchboardInspection.PrimaryKey));
Anyone have any ideas?
Hello ! I have the same problem I didn't have before. ! (worked like a charm 1 week ago).
I try to populate a collection with a Filter on my Dataverse Table "Prestations". This table has a link (LookUp) to a table Vacation which itself has a link (LookUp) to a table "Feuilles"
I try to get all the prestations linked to a "Feuilles" like this : Filter( Prestations; vacation.feuille.Name = myVariable)
I now have the error "
Error when trying to retrieve data from the network: Could not find a property named 'fdt_feuille' on type 'Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.fdt_prestation'.
which is normal since : I don't have this property on my table Prestations, it is only linked to my table Vacations.
When I look at the url of the request : it seems that PowerApps is trying to expand my Prestations Table with the Vacations Table AND with the Feuilles Table and is looking for the corresponding lookup column there (and it is obviously not there).
Were there any updates last week concerning the topic which could have created this new way of linking tables in a Filter request ?
Please actually read my post. That's the problem, the fields do exist.
If I modify the URL to have the correct filter, it then returns the records correctly. For some reason Power Apps is not forming the correct URL. (I added what is in bold)
This filter would then match what the Filter in the formula is trying to do.
i.e. Switchboard_Inspection__c.Inspection__c.Work_Order_Line_Item__c
So it's absolutely clear that the fields you are trying to read from Dataverse don't actually exist
No luck, it returns with the same error.
paste the monitor query in a browser and see if it's returning records.