Cannot publish my canvas app, getting this error message
The solution canvas app 'APPName' was not found in instance ''
Any idea how to fix this or why I'm getting this error?
This will create a new app and consequently produce new GUID for the app name which is something I'm trying to avoid. Would it be possible to change the APP Name GUID later?
Also I'm getting that I don't have permission to save an app in this environment, not sure why.
@shaikha92 I would suggest you to do "Sava As" of the Existing app and try to publish the newly saved app.
@Bilakanti I have tried to set the owner of the app to the original owner again, it was successful to run the PowerShell script but same error occurs when publishing the app.
@shaikha92 can you ask the co-owner of the app to change the ownership to him and make you as user of the app using the below command.
Set-AdminPowerAppOwner (Microsoft.PowerApps.Administration.PowerShell) | Microsoft Docs
Set-AppOwner -AppName "[Guid]" -EnvironmentName "Default-[Guid]" -AppOwner "[Guid]"
@Bilakanti the other user is not the admin and I shared with him the co-owner rights only.
@shaikha92 , The another user is the owner of the app now or you just shared him with co-owner rights?
@Bilakanti At first I was not able to see it in the apps tab but the users were sending "Request Access" through email and from the link in the email I was able to share the app and then see it. However, as the app owner, I still cannot modify it so I shared it with another user and this user couldn't publish it because of the error above.
@shaikha92 , can you see the restored app in the Apps Tab?
@Bilakanti It was part of a solution but got deleted by accident and I restored it using Powershell. After restoration, I have tried to add it again to the solution but it was not possible. I couldn't find the app listed to add it.
@shaikha92 , Is your canvas app present within the solution and are you publishing the solution?
Did you see your canvas app listed when you executed the below command?
Get-AdminDeletedPowerAppsList -EnvironmentName 'EnvironmentName'