Using the Survey Template and SharePoint on-line, how does one create the Task Summary section (see attachment)? My template always wants to create one row per record item. I'm looking to place several fields in a single row.
If you want to get real fancy, you can also program an OnSelect property of the textboxes in Gallery2 so that they can sort Gallery1 using a variable for which column and whether it is ascending or descending.
Thanks for information. That is exactly what I wanted to do and I will investigate the use of the Gallery.
Hi Ray_Garza,
We can change the card’s appearance by manipulating controls. In this article about “Understand Data cards”, the section “Customize a card” could be a reference for you.
Best regards,
Mabel Mao
If I am understanding this correctly, you want to put all that information for each record in one row. I would make Two galleries.
One gallery would be vertical and have text boxes for each field side by side (see image).
TextBox1.Text: ThisItem.Fact TextBox2.Text: ThisItem.Time TextBox3.Text: ThisItem.Attempts
A second gallery would be horizontal and include the name of each column as Items (["Fact","Time","Attempts"] is red in my example). Space both galleries out equally so that they line up information.