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gallery item deleted

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we have deleted item id -145 from PowerApps gallery initially and the data source for Power Apps gallery item is sharepoint list, later list item id 145 is too deleted from sharepoint list level too unknowingly ,further we restored from the item id -145 from sharepoint list but then issue is that we are unable to find the item in our sharepoint gallery in PowerApps, it is not displaying even though i manually refreshed the data source in the PowerApps but then its still not displaying in my gallery.
Kindly advise
sharepoint list -ID =145 got deleted even in sharepoint  but then we have restored so its Available presently at sharepoint list level
Power Apps gallery -Even after manual refresh of sharepoint list 'Item Setup data' list item ID=145 is not displaying
Items property in PowerApps gallery formula
Sort(Filter('Item Setup Data', IsDelete=Blank() Or IsDelete=false
And (IsBlank(Months.Selected) || (Created>First(colStartEndDates).StartDate And Created<=Last(colStartEndDates).EndDate))
And (!varIsSubmittedRecords Or ApprovalStatus="Submitted")
And (!varIsPMReviewdRecords Or ApprovalStatus="Reviewed")
And (!varIsAppEngRecords Or ApprovalStatus="AppApproved")
  • Veblitz Profile Picture
    Veblitz 2,147 on at
    gallery item deleted
    Yes it's working fine.Thanks a lot
  • Veblitz Profile Picture
    Veblitz 2,147 on at
    gallery item deleted
    How to check IsDelete field on the restored record is set to false.
  • Verified answer
    WarrenBelz Profile Picture
    WarrenBelz 145,434 on at
    gallery item deleted
    Have you checked that the IsDelete field on the restored record is set to false.
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  • SaiRT14 Profile Picture
    SaiRT14 1,926 on at
    gallery item deleted
    Hi ,
    try the following
    Check SharePoint Item    Verify that all fields of the restored item meet the gallery filter criteria.
    Refresh Data Source    Refresh or re-add the SharePoint list in Power Apps.
    Simplify Filter Formula    Test the gallery filter formula step by step to isolate problematic conditions.
    Check Case Sensitivity    Ensure field names and values match exactly, including capitalization.
    Clear Cache    Clear the browser cache and reset the app.

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