Hi all,
I have a problem with my Apps on Action Bar on view
Basically when the user view their data information, there's delete button but i want to make it conditional where if the data 'status' field is closed the button is invisible but using ThisItem is not working because it's on the action bar.
Any idea?
This is the current DisplayMode
If(!IsBlank('IMP List'.Selected) && DataSourceInfo([@'IMP Data'] , DataSourceInfo.DeletePermission) , DisplayMode.Edit, DisplayMode.Disabled)
I want to add if IMPData Status="Open"
Thank you
Thank you sir
Assuming that your 'IMPData Status' is in a card on a form, you can reference the control on the card, rather than the data item through the 'ThisItem' keyword.
To give an example of the syntax, DataCardValue10.Text is what would return the data item value in this example.