Hello everyone!
SharePoint list is connected to the PowerApp. I am trying to Auto populate Person Column in canvas app based on user name(so that user do not need to select his/her name) for column named as Inspector.
I tried the code in DefaultSelectedItems property -
However it adds code in record history also( added image for reference).
@Amik Yes.
Thanks much for helping. Appreciated!
(The issue/error was - my record during testing the app was adding i:0#.f|membership|abc@xyz.com)
I deleted subtitle from gallery. It solved my issue. Rest all working good.
@Amik Thanks much for helping. Appreciated.
It is solved. The link with the solution is here as I posted a new topic for this -
@Amik Thanks much for helping. Appreciated.
It is solved. The link with the solution is here as I posted a new topic for this - https://powerusers.microsoft.com/t5/Building-Power-Apps/Auto-populate-Person-Column-based-on-user-login-in-canvas-app/m-p/2788426#M682414
@Amik Thanks much for helping. Appreciated!
(The issue/error was - my record during testing the app was adding i:0#.f|membership|abc@xyz.com)
Added image for reference to show issue/error.
I deleted subtitle from gallery. It solved my issue. Rest all working good.
Added image for reference after deleting Subtitle from gallery.
@mtsts - sorry but you're not making sense here. In one post you have stated it not updating, but now it is updating?
I do not see any errors in your screenshot. The reason the Claims token is appearing in your Gallery is because you should be using:
ThisItem.'Your Inspector Field'.DisplayName
@Amik Yes it is being updated in SharePoint now however as in the image it is also adding a code with like that with the record name Test 0044, it is adding - i:0#.f|membership|abc@xyz.com
@mtsts - if I am understanding those screenshots correctly, "Test 0044" updated correctly, but "Test 3" did not?
@Amik No there is no error message. I did two test Test 3 and Test 0044. Please look into that.
Update Property
@mtsts - is there an error message?