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Power Automate - General Discussion

.eml saves as blank to SharePoint and OneDrive

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I am trying to take an email from my inbox and save it to SharePoint as a PDF. The flow that I've create first saves the email in .eml format on my OneDrive then coverts it to PDF and saves it on SharePoint. The flow runs successfully, and files save in all the appropriate places; however, both the .eml file and the .pdf file saves as a blank file. Sometimes the PDF shows up in the SharePoint list but does not actually open on occasion.

  • Re: .eml saves as blank to SharePoint and OneDrive

    Hi @drewmoten78 ,


    Maybe you can try switching to the classic designer and running the flow, there are people in the forums who have solved the same problem as you in this way, I think the classic designer is more stable.


    Best regards,


  • drewmoten78 Profile Picture
    drewmoten78 2 on at
    Re: .eml saves as blank to SharePoint and OneDrive

    I gave this a try just to see if it would make a difference and it didn't. Even without the extensions I have the same problem. 

  • Re: .eml saves as blank to SharePoint and OneDrive

    Hi @drewmoten78 ,


    Could you please tell why you add file extension in 'file content' field? Usually, we only add file extension to the file name. Perhaps you can try removing the extension from the 'file content' field and then running your flow.




    Best regards,




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