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Copilot Studio - Topic Creation & Management

Assistance Needed - Bot's Understanding of Questions Is Too Robotic and Lacks Intelligence

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Greetings Community,

I'm really concerned about the chatbot I'm working on. I've encountered several difficulties. I've been working for over 3 months with Copilot Studio, and they're on the verge of canceling my project due to the errors encountered. My client is upset.

1.) I have around 80 questions, and some questions don't match the corresponding topic.

2.) We've conducted several tests with real people asking questions, but it still feels very robotic. (Is there a way to make it more user-friendly without needing to add the question and answer?)

Example: Thank you responses, ongoing conversation, virtual assistant.

3.) Some questions aren't trained properly, and even though I've added them, it doesn't select the correct topic.

4.) Too many errors have occurred for the assistant to understand the question and provide a suitable response.

Is there a way to connect it to ChatGPT and have it automatically generate conversational responses as if it were a real person? Also, can it generate topic information when detected?

We've faced significant challenges because a user can have different communication styles.

  • masterlive96 Profile Picture
    masterlive96 4 on at
    Re: Assistance Needed - Bot's Understanding of Questions Is Too Robotic and Lacks Intelligence

    If the dynamic chaining is poor but generates answers that have nothing to do with the base question,

    We carried out the research and the descriptions and questions do not correlate and they also generate answers that do not agree.

    We had deactivated it and we reactivated it, at this moment it is generating an error.

    I am super worried about this project because they are thinking of canceling it due to the malfunction.

    Attached image

    Captura de pantalla 2024-04-05 133107.pngCaptura de pantalla 2024-04-05 132915.pngCaptura de pantalla 2024-04-05 133344.png

  • peterswimm Profile Picture
    peterswimm on at
    Re: Assistance Needed - Bot's Understanding of Questions Is Too Robotic and Lacks Intelligence

    Have you tried dynamic chaining? This feature may allow for more conversational design for your chatbot.

  • masterlive96 Profile Picture
    masterlive96 4 on at
    Re: Assistance Needed - Bot's Understanding of Questions Is Too Robotic and Lacks Intelligence

    Captura de pantalla 2024-04-02 054915.png

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