In trying to figure out this issue myself (as well as reading though past discussions), I created 2 data sources for my Audit table, excel and sharepoint. When my gallery filters using the sharepoint list, I get a delegation warning. When I have this gallery use the excel table, I do not get a delegation warning. In both instances however, my gallery does not show any records past the 2000th. There are currently 4358 records and counting.
Sharepoint list - delegation warning
Excel table - no delegation warning
Thank you @v-xida-msft for your help! the formula worked perfectly. I do have one other question about the SP list reaching it's 5000 limit. I don't foresee using the SP for anything other than record storage, so will this affect the running of my app?
Hi @Anonymous ,
Based on the formula that you provided, I think you have faced a Delegation warning issue with your formula.
Currently, within PowerApps, the Filter(..., IsBlank(CustomerId)) formula could not be delegated to SP list data source.
Please check the following article for more details:
In addition, the If() function could also not be delegated within Filter function in PowerApps.
As an alternative solution, I have made a test on my side, please take a try with the following workaround (set the Items property of the Gallery to following😞
If( IsBlank(radio_AUDITTYPErec.SelectedText.Value), Filter(Audits, Student = cboxSTUDENTrec.Selected.Student), Filter(Audits, Student = cboxSTUDENTrec.Selected.Student, Audit = radio_AUDITTYPErec.SelectedText.Value) )
Please take a try with above solution, check if the issue is solved.
Best regards,
A formula such as Filter(..., IsBlank(CustomerId)) won't delegate to SharePoint. However, that formula is semantically close to Filter(..., CustomerId = Blank()), which will delegate to SharePoint. These formulas aren't equivalent because the second formula won't treat the empty string ("") as empty. However, the second formula might work for your purposes. On SharePoint, this approach will work for the equals operator ("=") but not the operator for not equals ("<>").