I have a Power Apps solution on my environment that I would like to duplicate so that I can have it in duplicate on my environment. This way, I can modify one without impacting the other. But I can't duplicate the solution. I tried the import/export option but it overwhelms the old solution.
Can you help me please ? thanks in advance.
if you want to duplicate the solution in the same environment/solution then Open the app and Save as (send keystrokes Ctrl+Shift+S). Type new app name and click on save
No, I have only one
do you have a different environment?
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Best regards,
Ahmad Raza
My data source is SharePoint.
But the problem is that when I create a copy of my solution, this copy overwrites my other solution
@s44 if you want the copies of every component of the solution in the same environment you cannot create two tables with the same logical name within the same environment. Each table in the Dataverse, which is used as the data source for Power Apps, must have a unique logical name within the environment.
So if you don't have any concerns with table names, then just create a copy of the Canvas App and start working on that app. It would be easy,
Otherwise, create a new environment, import the solution here, and use XRMtool to import the data from the previous environment to the new environment.
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What he says doesn't work because the problem is that all the modifications I make to the clone also impact the first version of the solution.
the image you have shared shows you are not importing app instead you are import the solution
for that you can follow @gcmfaizan message if doesn't work then let me know here
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Ahmad Raza
while export you have to select "Create as New" Instead of "Update"
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Ahmad Raza