I've created a chatbot in Teams, allowed team members access to the chatbot, and team members can install the chatbot in their personal scope. However the bot tells them they don't have permission to talk to it. Any ideas?
Thanks for looking.
i am getting 2030 error code
my flows did show me dynamic settings. please help to guide my mistake
Sorry, the bot can't talk for a while. It's something the bot's owner needs to address. Error code: 2030 against my all flows
Hi @Chris_Williams , yes it has been resolved for me. In my case, where the bot was only published to a Team, it took a period of time after adding a user to the Team to be able to talk to the bot.
Has this been resolved? I'm getting exactly the same user error. I can publish a bot that works client side from PowerApps PVA but not PVA-Teams. Security settings have been re-checked & saved. Bot re-published. Bot added by user, but "Sorry, you don't have access to talk to the bot". This has been over a number of weeks.
Thank you @up_creek !
Depending on the time between #2 and #3, a newly added user will need some time to be sync'ed to gain access to the bot. We will add this to our documentation.
@micchow If I recall correctly, the order of events was:
1. I created the bot, allowed access to my Team, and published
2. I added a user to the team
3. Teammate installed the bot but couldn't chat
4. PVA app was allowed for my teammate in Teams admin
5. 24 hours later, he could chat.
Thank you @up_creek! Your teammates do not need PVA in Teams permission to chat with the bot, that is required for users who wants to create bots in Teams.
Was this teammate newly added to the team after not being able to chat with the bot? Or they have always been part of the team?
@micchow Yes, my teammates are able to install the bot, they just can't chat with it. However when one of my teammates was allowed access to PVA in Teams admin, and after a 24 hour period, he could then chat with the bot.
Thank you @up_creek . Teams admin blocking 'Shared Power Virtual Agents' would not allow user to install the bots in Teams. From your screenshot, looks like teammates were able to install the bot but could not chat with it which would be a separate issue.
Could you confirm that is the case?
Thank you for assisting us to get to the bottom of the issue.