Hi Folks
I have a very simple Model Driven App. Reading from a very simple dataverse table. Nothing fancy but very useful.
The app allows “Delivery/Project” people to enter a rich text summary of the Portfolio/Project.
The main driver for this was to allow a rich text update and move away from Power Point. All Data from the Projects and this summary is pulled together in Power BI.
So the Project Manager would write the update as per below into the Model Driven Power App. Power BI takes care of the rest.
User View
Project Manager (OR Someone with the appropriate access) So below circled in green is main crux of what we are doing. A Rich Text Executive Summary
However, circled in Red – I want to edit this but cant seem to see where I can edit it. Its driving me crazy.
Just a FYI My Dataverse Table is called
Fig 2
So below is in edit mode; but if a new record is added its the same view- BTW - Below data is mock Project Data (thanks Chat GPT)
View 1
View in Edit Mode
View 2
I want to edit the text in red circled on the form; cant seem to find anywhere?
View 3
This is the actual form view in Tree View Mode - Again I cant seem to edit this.
Appreciate any assistance