How hard should I work to make this happen? I think I found a way... Should I write it up?
Hi @martinav , for some reason i cannot explain, when i am in pdf viewer of my desktop app and hit with barcode scanner a qr code with link , pdf rotates one time clock wise!!! Qr code contains for example Maybe Carriage Return and Line Feed together is the solution!!!
I bailed on this. Its not happening. Too much effort.
Its NOT pretty... it involves doing some crazy base64 conversions and edits (is MS Flow) to change '/rotate 0/' to '/rotate 90/'. Its gotten VERY complicated. Its not quite working yet, and its exceedingly slow, because you have to do a "do until" loop to find the index of where its located in the base 64 file. Being that base64 works in 4 character chunks, its really messy. I had to put it aside for now.
Steps to completion:
I was so close when I realized I was losing data from the last block when '/rotate 0/' only filled part of the last block.
I cant believe how complex it has gotten. Its like 25 steps right now. Even when its done, if I cant narrow down the index of '/rotate 0/' more precicely, it may be too slow. It has taken 30s to a minute until the "do until" is finished.
Hi @martinav ,
Yeah. Thanks for your sharing firstly.
I think the solution you provided here would help many other users within this forum. I would also share this method to my colleagues.
Best regards,