We have multiple records which need to updated in a CDS table from canvas app. Can we update all the records with different values at once without using for all.
Kindly help us with solution.
Thanks in advance.
Definitely, you could modify the entire dataset so be careful (safety third) 😋
This is the first sentence from the documentation I provided in my last post just so you can see the official MS info. 😃
Use the UpdateIf function to modify one or more values in one or more records that match one or more conditions.
So for example if you just want 1 item use something like its ID, but if you want all records assigned to Bob to be assigned to Frank: UpdateIf(DataSource, Assigned="Bob",{Assigned:"Frank"})
Thank you @Bahalzamon,
Here we have a collection of records which are around 20 that need to be updated. Can we do it with UpdateIf.
Please help
Hey @devipriyanka
I would suggest UpdateIf, this will update all the matching records.
fi you want to change everything just make the condition True, otherwise you can add multiple statements.
UpdateIf(DataSource, Or(condition1, condition2, etc...),{Field1:"asdf", Field2: 5,etc...})
this way you can expand its selection or limit it how you like. 😃