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Power App showing SharePoint List data differently between users

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Hi everyone.
Just need to pick someone's brain here, I've taken over a Power App and have been advised that a user can only see a fraction of the SharePoint list that another person can fully see.

Below is my view of the data (blurred names for privacy) which shows all records from the SharePoint List (my Colleague also has the same view as below):

Below is the user's view of the data (again, blurred names for privacy) which shows a much smaller return of records from the SharePoint List:

I have checked the user's permissions, and he has Edit Items permission (under a Group), and the List also is enabled to allow users to Read All Items. We have removed the group and readded the group, and it's still the same result.

Browser Cache has been cleared, and we have tried different browsers, with no change.

Any idea would be greatly appreciated.
  • LL-14010030-0 Profile Picture
    LL-14010030-0 2 on at
    Power App showing SharePoint List data differently between users
    Hi @WarrenBelz

    I actually did check the List Settings > Advanced Settings, and they are set up exactly as you have advised.

    However, thanks to you advising about Flow restricting viewability of Item-Levels, I have found out the Flow has been doing some funny stuff with the viewability of the List items, so now I'm on my way to fix it up :)

    Greatly appreciate your response!
  • Mark Nanneman Profile Picture
    Mark Nanneman 981 on at
    Power App showing SharePoint List data differently between users
    Do you have anyway to check and confirm you're all on the same version of the app? 
    Have you tried making an update and publishing it? 
    What does the items property of the gallery look like, is it simple or are there a lot of conditions or filters?
    Are any variables in the app set differently depending on the User() function that are involved in the gallery's items source or filter? 
    Does the gallery's items filter reference User() function in anyway?

    Just spit balling.  
  • WarrenBelz Profile Picture
    WarrenBelz 145,580 on at
    Power App showing SharePoint List data differently between users
    Hi @LL-14010030-0​​​​​​​
    Unless the previous owner has a Flow somewhere restricting Item-level permissions, the only other place I can think of is here under the List Settings > Advanced Settings, where one user is only seeing their own items and the other has elevated Admin permissions able to see all items. Also what is the Items of the Gallery ?
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