I want to save and retrieve attachments to a Dataverse Table with the Attachments capability enabled. (fig.1).
(I hope to interact with them using Power Automate Flows and Canvas Apps, not Model-Driven Apps )
*Figure 2
*Figure 3 - ActivityMimeAttachment
*Figure 4 - ActivityFileAttachment
*Figure 5 - Notes (annotation) table/entity reference
Table References
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@Pstork1 @faustocapellanj @RezaDorrani @R3dKap @mdevaney
#PowerAddicts #PowerAppsCC #FlowNauts #LessCodeMorePower
Hi @schuess3 ,
Check out the following post and reply for working with attachments in your canvas app. https://powerusers.microsoft.com/t5/Building-Power-Apps/Attachments-field-in-Canvas-app-for-Dataverse-table/td-p/1226502
If you need to add attachments directly to a Table (which is not defined as Activity) you should use the Notes and choose IsDocument = Yes.
If you need to add attachments to a Table (Defined as Activity) like Email, you need to use the attachments Table.
This blog article explains how to add attachment to email:https://onlinemgblog.wordpress.com/2021/03/24/save-and-retrieve-dataverse-email-attachments-in-a-canvas-app-and-power-automate-saving-attachments-part-2/
File Attachments are used for column types of type Image or File, This blog article explains about file attachments https://onlinemgblog.wordpress.com/2020/08/14/power-automate-get-attachment-from-a-file-field-type-in-cds-and-send-as-email/
Hope this could sort out the confusion a little bit!