My issue is that my PVA returns the correct value of topics - sample value:
{title: "Sharepoint", value: "Sharepoint"},{title: "Teams", value: "Teams"} - it is stored as string variable.
I would like to use it as a part of adaptive card (set in 'formula' mode):
If the variable is displayed as message, the text is shown as {title: “Sharepoint”, value: “Sharepoint”},{title: “Teams”, value: “Teams”} -
The quotation " mark (ascii 34) is replaced with left/right double quotation mark - " !=“ or ” ;(
Any ideas how to solve it ?
Hi @v-bofeng-msft ,
I played with your solution, but the adaptive card is not shown:
Any ideas ?
Hi @mazyd ,
I suggest that you format the data into a standard JSON string in the flow before proceeding with the next steps in PVA.
Best Regards,
Hi @v-bofeng-msft ,
thank you for response.
I provide with more details - my bot uses the Power Automate flow to get the list of the topics.
The output from flow looks as presented:
If I try to display data I lost " and I see: “value here” - it cannot be interpreted as json ;(
It looks like some internal mechanism replace " to “value here”
Hi @mazyd ,
I've made a test for your reference:
type: "AdaptiveCard",
'$schema': "",
version: "1.2",
body: [
type: "Input.ChoiceSet",
choices: Topic.Var2,
placeholder: "Placeholder text",
id: "1"
type: "ActionSet",
actions: [
type: "Action.Submit",
title: "Submit",
id: "2"
Best Regards,