Hi all,
I'm trying to train and run the AI model which is from processing, also I have some real receipts by the customers, but the problem with that is it does not detect the fileds properly like any item, no. total and etc, present on the bill. however, i tried to create a fake invoice based on the templets present in the word that does work, but again not in proper terms. Is there anything i can do ? can anyone suggest me what needs t be done in terms of the form fields customization? and how to make use of the form ? also im just using the free version for now, please let me know if there are some feature with paid versions?
please see both the type of from the real and fake . This is Real one
Hi Tapesh, Following up on this one. We just announced Receipt Processing as a new AI Builder capability. Do let us know if it helps! https://powerapps.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/process-receipts-with-ai-builder/
Hello @mohanprasadm
Not yet, but it (=manual tagging of fields in Form Procesisng) should be available within a couple of weeks !
Hope that helps,
jk from the AI Builder team
Hi, Is Manual tagging feature available in AI builder now please?
Sounds good. Perfect and thanks for the solution, sir. and will be waiting for the new update on this.
Hi Tapesh,
Receipt layouts most often times are not compatible with key value pair extraction provided by form processing in AI Builder. We will be releasing an update to the product in April which will allow manually tagging fields. This update might improve your model's quality in some cases.
If you're open to interacting with Azure more directly, the Form Recognizer service provides a pre-built receipt recognition model (see https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/enable-receipt-understanding-with-form-recognizer-s-new-capability/ for an introduction). This might be a good short term option to improve quality of your results. Who knows, maybe one day such capabilities might make it natively in the product...