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How to transfer correct query string from PowerApp to Power Automate

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Hi everyone!

I hope someone can help me.

I have a SP list Masto50 with more columns. 

The task is as follows: to export data from the SP list to Excel depending on who is logged in.
everything works great except for one point.
I can't filter the list by User().Email with Power Automate.

I created a flow with two parameters

And call this flow from app:

    User().Email in AllowR1,
    ExportMasto50ToExcel_DE.Run("field_3 eq 'R1'", User().Email),
        User().Email in AllowR2,
        ExportMasto50ToExcel_DE.Run("field_3 eq 'R2'", User().Email),
            User().Email in AllowR3,
            ExportMasto50ToExcel_DE.Run("field_3 eq 'R3'", User().Email),
                User().Email in AllowViewAllUser,
                ExportMasto50ToExcel_DE.Run("", User().Email),

ExportMasto50ToExcel_DE.Run("Employee/EMail eq 'User().Email'", User().Email)))))
If I explicitly specify the user's e-mail address in the last line (ExportMasto50ToExcel_DE.Run("Employee/EMail eq ''", User().Email)), then everything works fine.
But I need to transfer this parameter depending on who is logged in.
In my case SP the list has a column Employee with Person or Group type.
I would appreciate any ideas.
  • CU08011826-0 Profile Picture
    CU08011826-0 58 on at
    How to transfer correct query string from PowerApp to Power Automate
    Thanks @Nandit
    Now it's works perfect!
  • Verified answer
    Nandit Profile Picture
    Nandit 1,545 on at
    How to transfer correct query string from PowerApp to Power Automate
    Try replacing your code with the following and I think it should work then.
    "Employee/EMail eq '" & User().Email &"'"
    Hope this helps. 
    Kind regards, 
    If this answers your query, please mark this response as the answer.
    If its helpful, please leave a like. Thanks!

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