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Combobox default selected items formulae(Combobox.SelectedItems) is not giving the expected result

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I am facing an issue with Combobox, there are some names in a text columns and I defined Combox as people picker and showing those names by connecting office 365 profiles and the aim is to update the names column with the updated names from combobox along with the default selected names already in ComboBox. when I use the formulae Concat(combobox.selectedItems, DisplayName&";") It only gives the newly added names in the combox box in result but not the default selected names already in the combobox from column!
Items Property: Office365Users.SearchUser({searchTerm:(Self.SearchText)})
Default selected items property: 
      ) As aDisplayName,
      First(Office365Users.SearchUser({searchTerm: aDisplayName.Value})).DisplayName
Concat(Combobox.selectedItems, DisplayName&";") shows only newly selected names in the result but not the default selected names.
Can anyone please help?
Thanks in Advance
  • Verified answer
    WarrenBelz Profile Picture
    WarrenBelz 144,858 on at
    Combobox default selected items formulae(Combobox.SelectedItems) is not giving the expected result
    If you are writing all that back to a Text column with the DisplayName returned delimited by ; - I assume your Data Card Update is something like
    in which case your DefaultSelectedItems should be
       {DisplayName: Value}
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