Hi All - I'm trying to create a combo box that shows a list for all my AD users. I have 390 users. If I try this
Collect( AADData, AzureAD.GetGroupMembers("e2450b0d-82eb-4ad5-bd01-06a85001b1f6").value)
where e2450b0d-82eb-4ad5-bd01-06a85001b1f6 is my All Users group that has 390 Total Members - I only get about 100 - if I try
Len(DisplayName) <> 0
I get different names - but still only about 100
Data Row limit is 500 - all other obvious issues like display name etc have been checked.
Ther's gotta be some setting or something I'm missing
All info welcome
Hi @ctedesco3307,
The code between curly brackets is required in the V2 to get a full list without a search term:
Len(DisplayName) > 0
I hope this helps!
@LaurensM - thanks - its not liking the rest of my query though
These both return nothing - I can't even activate the ddown
Filter(Office365Users.SearchUserV2({top:500}).value, !IsBlank(DisplayName))
Distinct(Filter(Office365Users.SearchUserV2().value,Len(DisplayName) > 0),DisplayName)
Hi @ctedesco3307,
By default the V1 search user will only return 100 unless defined otherwise. You could use the V2 instead - which returns 999 by default (or 500 since your row limit is capped at 500).
I will give you both options, but generally it is best practice to use the newer versions of functions/formulas:
Office365Users.SearchUser({top: 500})
If this solves your question, would you be so kind as to accept it as a solution.