I have checkbox in gallery properly coded to update Sharepoint list. The issue I'm having it getting the Sharepoint list to accept multiple selection. See attached.
Thanks for your help.
This formula you posted is absolutely correct. Although it will not work within an edit form. So I'm creating a fully custom app with data source connected but not attached to any datacards.
Thank you for your patience and help.
Okay here's my layout:
Sharepoint list, Print is a single text column:
DataCard and Gallery Update:
I pretty much stuck here. I did read that Gallery checkbox will not work inside forms. I'm going to try it outside the form but I thought you could place datacard with edit forms.
Thank you again....lololol
Hi @AntwainPatrick ,
Could you please share a bit more about your issue?
Where do you have face your issue?
Based on the issue that you mentioned, I think the solution I provided above could achieve your needs. The screenshot as below:
Set the Update proprety of the Printing Data card in your Edit form to follownig:
Concat(Filter(Gallery1.AllItems, Checkbox1.Value = true), Checkbox1.Text & ",")
Set the Update property of the StartUp Data card in your Edit form to following:
Concat(Filter(Gallery4.AllItems, Checkbox3.Value = true), Checkbox3.Text & ",")
Please consider take a try with above solution, check if the issue is solved.
Note: Please make sure the Printing column and StartUp column are both Single text type columns in your SP list.
Best regards,
Maybe I'm an idiot but I can't get it to work. See attached if you have time. I'm pretty much stumped at this point.
Hi @AntwainPatrick ,
Yes, you can. Wthin your Edit form, you could set the Update property of the Printing Data card to following:
Concat(Filter(Gallery1.AllItems, Checkbox1.Value = true), Checkbox1.Text & ", ")
Please take a try with above solution, check if the issue is solved. If you have solved your problem, please go ahead to click "Accept as Solution" to identify this thread has been solved.
Best regards,
Quick question. Could I place:
Concat(Filter(Gallery1.AllItems, Checkbox1.Value = true), Checkbox1.Text & ", "),
On the datacard already attached to the Printing column in Sharepoint? That way when I Submit form the selections are automatically placed in the list. If I had wanted to create app with 12 to 30 seperate cards I'd be lost writing code on the Submit button.
Hi @AntwainPatrick ,
Do you want to pass multiple Checkbox values from your Gallery to the Single text column in your SP list?
Based on the formula that you mentioned, I think there is something wrong with it. I have made a test on my side, please take a try with the following workaround:
Please consider modify your formula within the OnSelect property of the "Submit" button as below:
Patch( TestPrintLink, Defaults(TestPrintLink), { Printing: Concat(Filter(Gallery1.AllItems, Checkbox1.Value = true), Checkbox1.Text & ", "),
StartUp: Concat(Filter(Gallery4.AllItems, Checkbox2.Value = true), Checkbox2.Text & ", ") } )
Note: The Checkbox1 represents the Checkbox in your Gallery1, the Checkbox2 represents the Checkbox in your Gallery4.
More details about the Concat function, please check the following article:
In addition, the Reset(...) formula you typed within the OnSelect property of the Button would not reset the Checkboxs within your two Gallerys (Gallery1 & Gallery4).
If you want to reset Checkboxs within your two Gallerys after you press the "Button", please consider take a try with the following workaround:
set the OnSelect property of the "Submit" button as below:
Patch( TestPrintLink, Defaults(TestPrintLink), { Printing: Concat(Filter(Gallery1.AllItems, Checkbox1.Value = true), Checkbox1.Text & ", "),
StartUp: Concat(Filter(Gallery4.AllItems, Checkbox2.Value = true), Checkbox2.Text & ", ") } );
Set(IsReset, false); /* <-- Add formula here */
Set(IsReset, true) /* <-- Add formula here */
Set the Reset property of the Checkbox1 in your Gallery1 and the Checkbox2 in your Gallery4 both to following formula:
Please take a try with above solution, check if the issue is solved.
Best regards,
Unfortunately I did post two seperate formula line with the mid() formula. One was on a button and the other on the actual datacard. I tried attaching the formula to the datacard and it gave me the following error:
I know placing Gallery1.Selected.val on the datacard will return a single checkbox selection to the Sharepoint list.
It looks like you have the correct formula in the previous screenshot but it just needs to be used in the patch().
Patch(TestPrintLink, Defaults(TestPrintLink), {Printing: Mid(........)})
The mid(...) is what you have in the previous screenshot.
Yes. I'd like to select 11x17 and PDF checkboxes and have it write back to Sharepoint list in column like: 11x17,PDF.