How to Update Dataverse column values when Items are created using power automate?
Thank you.
@Expiscornovus What if I want to update a column value in another table?
I am getting following error.
')' or ',' expected at position 7 in '(Request-100)'.
Thank you for your response. My scenario is, I need to update custom column with AUtoNumber(Converted default column to auot number column) column and description column.
Hi @aaedla,
Just to double check. You want to update of column value within the same record that just has been created?
If so, you could use an update a row action. And in the Row ID use the identifier of the trigger action (when a row is added, modified or deleted).
Below is an example of that approach.
In this example I am updating the name column after the Account record has been created.