Hello @renatoromao
Is it possible to have adaptive cards directly in the conversation on PVA Bot, please ?
This feature was for May 2020 but i can't find help...
Thank you 🙂
Thank you very much @renatoromao for the videos, I will be watching this every day! 🙂
@micchow I don't have the skills of a developer, but I will be looking at this because having adaptive cards gives a real value to a PVA bot. Thank you !
@aurlho , have you had a chance to check out our composer integration public preview? It requires some developer skill and you can add a composer topic into PVA that renders adaptive card for you.
Hi @aurlho ,
I'm starting a series of posts and videos (1 video per day) to explain better how can you use the Adaptive Cards, Multiple Choices, and a lot of things, using the Bot Framework Composer integration.
Please, follow and like this article: https://powerusers.microsoft.com/t5/Power-Virtual-Agents-Community/Power-Virtual-Agents-integration-with-Bot-Framework-Composer/ba-p/750348
Yes, I agree 😞
Thank you, have a great week too!
Thank you for your quick feedback!
Okay shame ...it's an important feature.
Have a good day
Hi @aurlho ,
In August, the PVA administrator (chass) change the status of the idea to Under Review.
I think that this feature will available (if accepts) as soon as possible, maybe the next year.