I wonder if a PowerApps Environment can provide a fully isolated / dedicated azure virtual network for securely running apps, just like what Azure App Service Environment offers ?
How exactly can the data transfer between a PowerApps app and a company's on-premises sql server database be secured ?
Hi @BAI,
I am not very familar with the Azure Virtual network stuff, for Gateway,
Check the reference here :
When a user interacts with an element that's connected to an on-premises data source:
The cloud service creates a query, along with the encrypted credentials for the data source, and sends the query to the queue for the gateway to process.
The gateway cloud service analyzes the query and pushes the request to the Azure Service Bus.
The on-premises data gateway polls the Azure Service Bus for pending requests.
The gateway gets the query, decrypts the credentials, and connects to the data source(s) with those credentials.
The gateway sends the query to the data source for execution.
The results are sent from the data source back to the gateway and then onto the cloud service. The service then uses the results.
More reference:
On-premises data gateway in-depth
Hope the information above is helpful.