I want to patch column 'Masuk Apps' which has the same 'No. PO'.
I used this formula,
'Recap SOW',
'Recap SOW',
'No. PO' = ThisItem.'SO/PO/WBS'
'No. PO' = ThisItem.'SO/PO/WBS'
{'Masuk Apps': "Proses sudah dilewati"}
but, cant work. Can anyone help me? Thankyou!
Hi @firda59,
You can try the following expression.
UpdateIf('Recap SOW','No. PO' = ThisItem.'SO/PO/WBS',{'Masuk Apps': "Proses sudah dilewati"})
Best Regards,
Hi @BCBuizer
Yup, I want to update all items in my data source which has the same 'No. PO' .If my data source over 2000 items, how to make the formula?
Hi @firda59 ,
If I understand correctly you want to update all items in your data source that match a certain value in the 'No. PO' column, correct?
If correct, consider using the UpdateIf function:
'Recap SOW',
'No. PO' = ThisItem.'SO/PO/WBS'
{'Masuk Apps': "Proses sudah dilewati"}
Depending on your data source, this may not be delegable, which will cause issues if you go over 2000 items in your data source. In that case a ForAll loop should be combined with Patch.