Hello guys,
Is the embed canvas app in model driven only meant for Edit the existing ? Could we use the same canvas app for create new record as well ?
So in our Model Driven App, when we look at the view of our table (through the navigation), when we click the New button at the top, it will also load the main form with the embed canvas app ->
I noticed in mine right now, when I edit the existing, it will show me the canvas app that I embed, but when I add (Click New button), it just blank form, it the same form that used to have the embed canvas app, only it is blank or only the field for the key integration.
@Voltes , this a known and documented limitation of embedded Canvas Apps
See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powerapps/maker/model-driven-apps/embedded-canvas-app-guidelines
As long as the recordId is not one of the input parameters, a PCF will render on a Create Form (even a QuickCreate). That should give you the UI flexibility to do whatever you're trying to do with Canvas.
Hi @cchannon
Yeap, I tried to put some default value in a field, thought that the embed only need a field that has value.
Still it is not showing. So I guess it is need a GUID by means it supposed to save so to have an physical record in database first.
Wish there is another workaround or trick.
Thanks for the input, Well, actually the plan in my Canvas app, there is also create new record. Thought by detect that GUID not exist, means we're able to "Add new record" ?
May I know the integration or the relationship, is through GUID or the field that we use to add the Canvas App ?
As with a subgrid, a Create form is a limited portion of the form functionality because while on that form, the record does not yet exist. The Guid is not generated until you hit Save, so for subgrids there is no Guid to build relationships with and for Canvas Apps there is no Id to pass in as context.