We're using Copilot Studio and looking to clean up our trigger phrases with overlaps. I found this page today that says there is a Topic Overlap Detection feature, but that it only exists for Classic and Teams based bots. Is there anything like this with the latest version? I don't see it in my analytics panel, but I don't have full permissions. So may be there, but just can't see it. Anyone know/use this feature in the Copilot studio? Thanks
This would be useful as my Copilot gets confused between "who", "what", "where", and "when" questions on the same topic. Maybe this is not a good use of separate topics.
Hi @wswitzer
The topic overlap detection feature indeed doesn't exist in the latest version, only in the classic one.
I'm not aware of plans to introduce it back, so I would advise you to request it to be backported on aka.ms/CopilotStudioFeatureRequest, so engineering teams can assess customer demand for it and eventually prioritize it for a future release.