Hi I need help on how to resolve the current situation that we have with our bot. Currently it utilizes the trigger phrases feature, however, when multiple topics are triggered using a phrase or keyword that a user entered, it shows multiple topics which are correct (trigger phrase/keyword entered are on those topics displayed by the bot). The problem is, it also shows an option "none of these", but when it is selected, it will not route you to "confirm failure" or "fallback" topic. Instead, it will display a topic which is completely not relevant to the phrase or keyword being entered by the user initially.
Please see screenshot below.
In these scenario, I tested the bot by entering a keyword "error". Now it displays three topics at most (these keyword has been listed in more than three topics as well) and also displays the "none of these" option. I clicked "none of these" button and it was routed to a topic in which case I don't have any control since these dialogue "to clarify, did you mean:" , this can't be tracked in the testing bot phase. It's like a system topic but it is not shown in the topic section like the other system topics like greeting, confirm failure etc.
Any help is much appreciated. Thanks😊
Hi @Anonymous,
I just tested this scenario.
I also have multiple topics with the same trigger phrase I get a none of these option like you. When I add the system fallback to my bot it however redirects me to the fallback topic with the phrase: One moment. Let me get you more help with
Maybe it is worth trying to reset the system fallback topic and try setting it up again?