Since new update I am not able to connect my bot to Omnichannel. The status keep coming as "not connected". Any ideas how to resolve it?
{{url}}/api/data/v9.2/msdyn_AddBotUser -> Post this request via Postman and add this in the body.
Follow the documentation attached.
Thanks for the answer.
Which request do I have to send via Postman? Have you an example?
Yes I was able to solve the issue by posting a request manually via postman.
use your bot schema, bot first name, bot last name , bot app id and envirnment id.
Hello, were you able to resolve this? We are having the same issue.
We have a MS ticket open but they have not been able to help us yet. Have you found a solution?
@jenn_adams I was able to connect my bot with Omnichannel from workaround. I have used postman to POST a http request adding my bot details. Do you need help with that?
Hi @furqanmajeed if you log a support ticket with Microsoft, they will provide the steps to you. It took a few goes to work through them, there were quite a few suggestions.
@jenn_adams Can you provide me the troubleshooting steps. Thanks.
Thanks @HenryJammes , I logged a ticket last week and have tried the troubleshooting steps from the PG. Unfortunately they weren't successful, but they have confirmed a fix is due to be deployed by the 2nd week of July. FYI @furqanmajeed
This is a known issue and there are troubleshooting steps that can be applied to unblock you.
Please open a support request: Get Help + Support in Power Platform - Power Platform | Microsoft Learn