I'm building a chatbot, that asks the user for a date, using the Date and Time entity. This value is stored with data type of datetime.
I would like to pass this value to an action, but it won't let pick the variable from the list of options. The action itself asks for a PVA input with datatype text.
How can I pass the datetime to my action?
I see @spencey11. This looks similar to this thread: Solved: Re: Passing a Multi Choice Question response to a ... - Power Platform Community (microsoft.com)
Let me know if that helps
I think i jumped on the back of an old post, only just started with PVA. I have a choice (choices-P-S-U)menu Pending, Successful and Unsuccessful options. My flow (FlowPVA) has a text field to capture the users response from a variable which I then want to email to someone else in the firm. The problem I have is that the selected choice is not allowing me to pass to Flow as i am getting incorrect type:EmbeddedOptionSet. How can i ensure the selected choice variable is converted to text so that i can pass it to Flow?
Hi @HenryJammes,
This is a thread of 2 years ago. Shouldn't be an issue in the current version like you already demonstrated 😁
Hi everyone,
I'm not sure I understand the issue here.
I'm able to pass a date and time variable to Power Automate, and in Power Automate be able to handle it as a date, for example to format it differently:
formatDateTime(triggerBody()['text'], 'f')
Is this the same for passing choice values to Flow? Any steers on how you would achieve this as a workaround?
Thank you.
Hi @janszett,
As far as I am aware the Power Automate PVA trigger action currently only supports text, number and boolean input data types.
I was running into the same issue when I came across this post. If I can find a workaround I will post it over here.