Hi There,
I'm trying to create a Flow to delete messages older than 7 days in Folder, but I have a problem.
This is my Flow:
When in the field Search Querry I add "received:yesterday", the flow is working, and the messages are successfully processed, but when I add "received:last week" not working.
This is the output:
This is the output with "received:last week" in the query:
I tried to add the search query in double quotes, but in this case, the flow fails.
in the email folder, there is a lot of messages from the last 10 days (02 to 11 of April)
One more question - into the TOP field in "Get emails" step, I'm trying to put more than 25 items, but in this case, the Flow fails again. Is there a limitation for this?
Thanks in advance for any idea,
Thanks for your support and the provided link 🙂
I am trying to build the same automation but cannot see the "body" as it is shown in your flow. There is only "v2" available as well.
The problem is the 25 item limit. It can't get to the stuff old enough to delete because it is only looking at the first 25 emails. This limit is keeping me from using this flow option to complete the same task.
I made the same flow as is solution here and it doesn’t work.
Can you please check it and tell me why?..
I need delete mails older than 3 months, that’s why 90 in second formula.
Unfortunately flow posts this:
Test of flow is always the same - expression result = false, so anything won’t be deleted.
And proof that in the inbox are mails older than 3 months..
I will be very grateful for every comment.
Thank you,
Thanks. The solution works perfectly!
Hi @Krasimir ,
Please consider directly comparing the current time and the time the message was received, and then delete the eligible email.
Expression reference:
Image reference:
Please take a try.
Best Regards,