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Power Automate - Building Flows

Combining text and json in a body

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Posted on by 46
We have a system to which we can perform API-calls, but the system expects the following in the body:
  • input_data= Json-context
I have tried already several things, but Power Automate always removes the Json formatting:
I've tried this:
  • concat('input_data= ',string(variables('vJsonData')))
But the destination system always returns an error that it cannot parse the Json :-(
If I use e.g. Postman and manually perform the call with a properly formatted Json, it works correctly.
Any advice highly appreciated!
  • KrAck Profile Picture
    KrAck 46 on at
    Combining text and json in a body
    Have done some further testing and it's working now. Seems I overlooked 1 detail in the Json file that caused the error :-(
    But thanks anyway for your suggestions, it helped me in finding the error in my json file!
  • Mark Nanneman Profile Picture
    Mark Nanneman 976 on at
    Combining text and json in a body
    I love the Star Trek theme, I use Jean-Luc Picard for many of my tests as well!

    If you're trying to do this in a Power Automate HTTP Request have you tried using just your JSON and removing the "input_data="?


    Just put a well formed json object like
    "request": {...}
    Into the body of the HTTP Request action?

    Also, do you have access to documentation for your API? 
    Sometimes if your HTTP Request headers are wrong or missing that could cause errors.  Do you have a Content-Type header? E.g. Content-Type: text/plain or Content-Type: application/json


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