Hi @ALL,
I have a requirement whenever P.M select send for approval one flow trigger with customer details.
all working fine just need to change one thing as you can see below image Assigned to only taking user only want to assign customer email is there any way
Hi @Zahid991 ,
sorry this does not make it clearer. Where does the customer email address come from? Is this a field in the database?
Please use proper punctuation and google translator. I can only guess what you want to say.
Customer Email Come From Contact in case there is an option whenever P.M select and save case auto-send approval mail to that customer email which have provided in contact
Hi@Zahid991 ,
Could you please send a screenshot where the customer email information comes from? Without this it will be difficult to help you.
Does the customer have an account within your tenant? If not, I don't think you will be able to send an approval to the customer.
P.S. Please use proper punctuation in your messages. Without punctuation it is very difficult to understand your message. If English is not your first language, try google translator.