Hi All,
I am currently working on an app that tracks goals and earned bonuses for employees. I am currently using 3 tables: "Users", "Goal Management", and "Group Goals". What I would like to do is - have a choice column in the "Group Goals" table that is a list of all users from the users table. This way, I believe I would be able to assign multiple users to a "Group Goal" and still keep their personal goals separate. The app would then LookUp the group goal an employee is assigned to, and I believe employees will only have 1 group goal each.
I am not sure if there are any other ways to go about doing this, but I would greatly appreciate any help.
How would I go about doing this? I forgot to mention, that every group goal has a "Completion %" and that needs to be the same for every employee assigned to the goal. I considered Creating a system where a manager could assign a group goal to a specific employee (instead of many employees to 1 goal) but the issue I then run into is that the "Completion %" needs to be the same for every user assigned to a group goal. If a manager updates the completion % of a group goal in the way I just mentioned, they will need to update every group goal individually, defeating the point of having a "Group Goals" section.
Any suggestions?
Hi Aurora
In other words, this is a many-to-many relationship between Users and Goal Management. The middle table is Group Goals which contains both lookups Users and Goals. I think in this way you can group goals.
Let me know if I can provide you with more details.
Abdul Wahab
Power Platform/Customer Engagement Developer/Lead/Solution Architecture/Project Manager
E-mail: abdulwahabubit@outlook.com
Skype: abdul.wahabubit
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