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SubmitForm submitted entry Created By is not the logged in user.

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My understanding is that, when submitting a Power Apps form data row into a SharePoint list, the 'Created By' field for that row will be the logged in user. However that is not what I am seeing in modifying an app a colleague has created.

The colleague created a sharepoint connection to a list. But when I submit some test data via the form the created by field is not my user but the user assigned to the connector. I don't understand how this is happening.


The connector looks like this:

2023-11-15 14_23_36-New Message - Power Platform Community - Brave.png


and my logged in user is this

2023-11-15 14_27_17-WhatsApp.png

But when I submit an entry from the form the SharePoint row has a Created By entry of

My understanding, from these forums is that is not possible. It isn't the behaviour I want, is anyone able to guide me as to what might be causing this?

  • KarlinOz Profile Picture
    KarlinOz 89 on at
    Re: SubmitForm submitted entry Created By is not the logged in user.

    @v-xiaochen-msft thank you for your help! 

  • Verified answer
    Re: SubmitForm submitted entry Created By is not the logged in user.

    Hi @KarlinOz ,


    Please log in the powerapps portal (, click the 'connection' button (in the left navigation), find the wrong connection and delete it.

    Then open the app again and it will ask you to create a new connection.


    Best Regards,


  • KarlinOz Profile Picture
    KarlinOz 89 on at
    Re: SubmitForm submitted entry Created By is not the logged in user.
    ...If user A logs into the app for the first time and creates a connection by entering user B's credentials, when he submits data, the creator of that data is user B...

    Aha - that's probably the issue I'm seeing. I made a copy of my colleagues app and when I first opened it, it probably asked for creds, and I wasn't paying attention and must have logged in with the autobot credentials I'd say. Do you know if there is a way of resetting the connector credentials so it requires me to log in again? Otherwise I'll create another copy of the app and pay more attention when logging in this time.

  • Re: SubmitForm submitted entry Created By is not the logged in user.

    Hi @KarlinOz ,


    This is strange.

    Typically, the user will be asked to create a SharePoint connection when they run the app for the first time.

    Can you check if the connection created by this user is his own?

    If user A logs into the app for the first time and creates a connection by entering user B's credentials, when he submits data, the creator of that data is user B. That's by design.


    Best Regards,


  • KarlinOz Profile Picture
    KarlinOz 89 on at
    Re: SubmitForm submitted entry Created By is not the logged in user.

    Hi @v-xiaochen-msft 

    The function is


    No flow is involved, it submits directly to SharePoint - via the connector I pictured above..

  • Re: SubmitForm submitted entry Created By is not the logged in user.

    Hi @KarlinOz ,


    What is the formula for submitting data? Pathc or SubmitForm function? 

    Did you create another flow and add it to the app to create the record?


    Best Regards,


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