how do i make it so it only adds 500 once, and not once every product?
(check pictures)
If(DataCardValue18.Value,(Text(Sum('handlevogn-album'.AllItems,('antall-input' * pris_x002d_eksl_x002d_mva + 500)),"[$-nb-NO]## ### kr", "nb-NO")),(Text(Sum('handlevogn-album'.AllItems,('antall-input' * pris_x002d_eksl_x002d_mva)),"[$-nb-NO]## ### kr", "nb-NO")))
It works, thank you
Try this
Text(Sum('handlevogn-album'.AllItems,('antall-input' * pris_x002d_eksl_x002d_mva))+ If(DataCardValue18.Value, 500, 0),"[$-nb-NO]## ### kr", "nb-NO")
Could you make my day, and write the code for me 🙂
A small adjustment will do the trick Marius.
Now you state:
if toggle is true, Allitems( amount + price + 500), Allitems( amount + price).
Try this:
Allitems( amount + price) + if( toggle is true, 500, 0)
This will calculate the total first, and afterwards adds the 500 only if the toggle is turned on.
I hope this helps!