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Filter List Box by Text Input

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Hi All,


I am stumped.  I would like to Filter a List Box by Text Input Value.  So, I have a list of Part Numbers in a list box and I have Text Input box. When a value is typed in the Input box, for example, 249, the List box will be filtered to show only the part numbers that contains 249.  Then, an item is selected in the List box, it will filter a Data Table


Or is better of doing this?


Thanks in Advance.

  • Verified answer
    BCBuizer Profile Picture
    BCBuizer 21,809 on at
    Re: Filter List Box by Text Input

    Hi @Skybluekid ,


    You probably need to change .Value with the name of the column that you wish to filter by, in your case probably the column with the part numbers.

  • Skybluekid Profile Picture
    Skybluekid 252 on at
    Re: Filter List Box by Text Input

    Hi @BCBuizer 


    I have tried this and it comes up with an error

    Incompatible Types for comparison. These types cant be compared: Text:Error


    This is the formula I am using:




  • BCBuizer Profile Picture
    BCBuizer 21,809 on at
    Re: Filter List Box by Text Input

    Hi @Skybluekid ,


    There are many way to do this, depending on how you exactly want it to work. An example for an exact match in the Title column of a list to be used for the Items property of a gallery:


     Title = ComboBox1.Selected.Value


  • Skybluekid Profile Picture
    Skybluekid 252 on at
    Re: Filter List Box by Text Input

    Great thank you.  How would you then use the selected Item to filter the data table?

  • BCBuizer Profile Picture
    BCBuizer 21,809 on at
    Re: Filter List Box by Text Input

    Hi @Skybluekid ,


    What you describe is basically the same as what a comobobox does by default, so I suggest using a combobox with the IsSearchable property set to true.

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