As you can see, when I am entering a query that is returning me with a multiple topic matched scenario, the topics suggests are called untitled. When I click either of these topics, it gives me the answer for the same topic.
How do I change it so it gives me specific words instead of untitled?
Thanks for the answer! Wish I knew this earlier when creating the topics ... I have about 260+ topics now to go through.
Thank you so much. I spent 2 hours messing around with the JSON in the multiple topics matched topic last night! You are a life saver!!
You need to go to your topic's Details and edit the Display name:
How do I go about doing that?
Hi @shah1
This is because your topics don’t have a display name (so the default value is "untitled"). You simply need to go to each topic and make sure they have a display name on the topic properties.
The display name is what is displayed when a Multiple Topics Matched is thrown.